You’re over the synthetic hormones, and the side effects, but don’t know where to begin?

Take birth control into your own hands in just a few minutes a day.

  • No more synthetic hormones

  • No more CVS length receipt of side effects

  • Just as effective as the pill when used correctly

  • Natural birth control backed by science



It’s time to learn more about your body and your cycle. There's so much more to your menstrual cycle than the few days of blood every month.

  • Learn about your different fertility signs and what they mean

  • Learn how to track your fertility signs every day and properly track them on your chart

  • Learn about the four FAM rules that make the sympto-thermal method a natural birth control method that is 99.6% effective when used correctly

  • Never get caught off guard by your period again

  • Learn how to calculate when you ovulate

Get more in touch with your body than you ever thought possible in your 6th-grade health class. Whether you call it your menstrual cycle or period cycle this course is for you.

Even if you’re just looking to calculate when your next period is because it always catches you off guard. Or you want to know how to calculate when you will ovulate next.

  • This course includes a PDF workbook of over 40 practice charts to go along with each lesson

  • We’ve also created 10 videos to go along with different elements we go over in the course

  • Everything is packaged in two easy to download PDFs to make your experience seamless and easy to reference back to as you continue to chart and learn.

  • $125 USD

Click the link below to go to Teachable where you can sign up for Chart Your Cycle and get started today!


Don’t Just Take It From Us

Why Take My Course?

  • Over 1000 people have taken Chart Your Cycle

  • I run a YouTube channel with 90,000 followers and counting as well as an Instagram with over 13,000 followers where I share information and start conversations surrounding charting, cycles, period products and so much more.

  • I’ve been charting myself since 2013 and teaching how to chart using the Sympto-Thermal Method since 2016

  • I’ve used this method as natural birth control, and then the same knowledge when I was ready to have a baby, and finally as postpartum birth control while my cycle returned

  • Charting my cycle has notified me of hormonal imbalances I wouldn’t have been aware of without charting, and allowed me to take the necessary steps to heal those issues naturally.

Still Have Questions?

  • + You are new to the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and want to fully learn the symptom-thermal method.

    + You want to understand how FAM works to see if it will fit into your lifestyle and current stage in life. 

    + You want to quit your hormonal birth control and educate yourself on a natural method you can use.

    + You want to learn how your cycle works, even if you don’t need to use FAM as birth control right now.

    + You’re getting married soon (CONGRATS!!) and don’t want to mess around with HBC.

    + You’ve started learning about FAM and maybe know a little about charting, but want to take a course to gain confidence that you’re doing it correctly.

    + You’re going to be trying for a baby in the future and want to give your cycle time to rebalance while still avoiding pregnancy until you’re ready. 

    + You want to feel empowered by your menstrual cycle instead of overpowered by it. 

    + You want to be able to calculate when your next period will be.

    + You want to be able to calculate when your next ovulation will be.

  • I’m not going to pretend Chart Your Cycle is right for everyone. If you ever have a concern that it’s not right for you, but aren’t sure, feel free to email me with your specific concerns. I work to be very open and honest about all that I do with FemmeHead.

    + You already know how to chart using the Sympto-Thermal Method and feel confident in your ability to do it correctly.

    + You are looking for a more advanced course to dig deeper in your charting education. 

    + You are looking for a course that is taught by someone who is a FAM certified teacher. 

  • Will this course be enough for me to use FAM as birth control?

    Yes! We go through the foundation of knowledge you need to get started charting safe and effectively using the sympto-thermal method. I do recommend charting for three cycles before relying solely on FAM.

    Do I need to quit my HBC before taking the course?

    No! If you’re considering FAM to replace your current birth control method don’t feel like you have to jump off the cliff and quit right away. This is a great time to learn the method to make sure you understand it all, and to know how to get started charting when you do decide to quit your current hormonal birth control. And often learning how it all works will give you that final boost of confidence you need to quit.

    How do I convince my partner that FAM is effective?

    We have all be led to believe (even men) that we can only control our fertility and not get pregnant if we’re using some pill, product or device. You’ve first got to educate yourself on how FAM works so you can explain it to them. And can I let you in on a little secret? Men are much more open and willing to using FAM as birth control than we give them credit for. They know women take on the burden of birth control, and want them to be their happiest and healthiest.

    How effective is the Sympto-Thermal Method?

    Fun fact: when used correctly (staying consistent with your charting, and following the rules) STM has the same effectiveness as the birth control pill (Yup, it’s 99.6% effective).

    How long do I need to chart before I can use STM as birth control?

    I always recommend charting for three cycles before just relying on STM. Up until that point you’ll want to use a barrier method such as a condom.

    Do I have to have a 28-day cycle to chart?

    No! The sympto-thermal method is not based on the length of your cycle. It is a daily calculation from your fertility signs (basal body temperature and cervical fluid) that you use to follow four simple rules.

    Do I have to have a background in science/anatomy/etc to understand this?

    Nope! FAM is for everyday people like you and me. All you need is the desire to learn and use it correctly, and you can.

    How is this course delivered?

    Easy! Click any of the links on this page to be taken over to my Teachable site. Once you hit “PURCHASE” you can work through the course at your own pace. It includes two downloadable PDFS (a written version of the course to keep on hand and a workbook of over 40 practice charts that go along with each lesson), 10 videos that address different elements of our cycle and charting that we go over in the course.

    Is this a video course?

    Better! It’s both written text, videos and a workbook.

    Do I have to be available at certain times for the course?

    Nope! We all live busy lives and coordinating a time for everyone would be impossible. You get to work through it at your own pace.

    Are you a FAM certified teacher?

    Nope! Back in 2014 when I was coming around to the idea of teaching FAM I reached out to a mentor of mine (who’s also a FAM teacher) and asked if I had to take a certification course. Her response was, “How do you think they learned FAM? That’s right, they’re self-taught.” So I’ve made it my mission over the past almost decade to continuously educate myself on all things FAM, period and cycle related. I would never put information out that I wasn’t 100% confident in, and I will only share things I fully understand and know.

    Didn’t see your question answered anywhere?

    Click the contact tab up in the menu and send me a message! I usually respond within a few days to a week.


Purchase more than one course and save

Chart Your Cycle and Ditch the Pill ($225 USD $180 USD)

Chart Your Cycle and Chart Your Cycle to Get Pregnant ($222 USD $180 USD)

Chart Your Cycle, Ditch the PIll and Chart Your Cycle to Get Pregnant ($322 USD $245 USD)