Guest Post: Shenaye | Her Story About Charting and Quitting Hormonal Birth Control
Creating FemmeHead has allowed me to connect with such wonderful women and girls from around the world. Technology is pretty great, huh?
Today, I am once again delighted to invite another friend onto FemmeHead to share her story of charting and quitting hormonal birth control. How crazy is it that I once thought I was the lone outcast, the weird one, the period freak? Well, I was wrong. There are so many women around the world who are charting, and so many more who are curious about it.
If you're one of those curious ones, don't forget to join me Monday for my Chart Your Cycle course. Registration closes Sunday. I can't wait to see you there.
Time to welcome the ever amazing, Shenaye!
I'd been on the pill since I was the ripe age of 18 years old. I was told to get on the pill to prevent babies and to regulate my then very irregular (we're talking like once every 4-6 months here) period. I gladly took it but found that I could not stay consistent with taking a pill at the same time every day so I started searching for an alternative. That's when I came upon a birth control bar called Nexplanon. It was a dream come true really. All I had to do was get a teeny tiny bar in my arm and I'd never have to worry about taking a pill for the next three years. Plus, my period became even less frequent, which I was told was completely normal. I honestly felt like I'd hit the jackpot. I didn't have to worry about a pill or bleeding. I was one happy gal -- until I gained over 60 pounds.
I think that was the final straw for me. Something just didn't seem right about not having a period. And I really was not excited about the weight gain (though part of it was from stress as well). I mean sure, I wasn't pregnant, but I was miserable. This began the search for a more natural alternative.
I began diving into any information I could find. Most people talked about condoms on condoms on condoms, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon Victoria and FemmeHead on YouTube that I heard about the Fertility Awareness Method. Watching her story about how she quit the pill immediately intrigued me. I found myself going down a rabbit hole and watched pretty much every video she had on the subject. I then went out and purchased the "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" book she recommended. From then on it was history. I dropped my birth control and began practicing the method.
It's been six months since I quit birth control and I couldn't be happier. I really feel as though I've taken back control over my life. I no longer have to rely on my OBGYN to tell me what's going on with my body. I know when I'm ovulating, when to expect my period and most importantly, what's going on in my body at different points in my cycle. I understand why I may feel tired on some days and have high energy on others. I can immediately tell when my hormones are out of whack. And if my doctor has a question as to what's going on with me, I can confidently answer. That to me, is the ultimate pro.
Meet Shenaye
After finding that the lifestyle she was living no longer suited her goals, Shenaye decided to go on a journey of change. To keep herself accountable she created an Instagram and YouTube channel to document her daily life, her wins and her struggles. Since then it's grown into a beautiful way for her to connect with others who are on their own paths and encourage them to keep going.
Go check her out!
Instagram @pursuingchange