26 Thoughts On the Past 26 Years
I’ve been 26 for around a month and half now, and I always like to take my birthday as an opportunity to reflect. So, I wanted to share 26 thoughts with you today:
+ looking back I didn’t give my mom the credit she deserved as a parent
+ as a pre-teen, young teenager, I really wanted to grow up
+ don’t be so quick to hate where you’re from
+ knowledge is power
+ take care of your body
+ my parents set me up to be an entrepreneur
+ travel, get a new perspective
+ finding gratitude each day leads to a more positive existence
+ be nice to people
+ keep an open mind
+ don’t settle, job, relationship, friendship
+ eat your veggies
+ learn about your body
+ don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you admire
+ having more doesn’t equal being happier
+ journal, write, document your life
+ don’t compare yourself to others
+ you can learn anything you want
+ spend time with your family
+ a child’s imagination is a magical thing
+ money is not the enemy
+ stand up for what you believe in, but educate yourself along the way
+ failure is inevitable, but it’s not the end
+ your job doesn’t define you, who you are as a person does
+ getting out into nature is important
+ treat everything and everyone with kindness and compassion
To be honest, I thought this list would take a long time to compile, but each thought came to mind one after another, and before I knew it my 26 things were here.
In the end, take the time to stop, step back and reflect on life.
It’s a beautiful thing.