Trying to Mend My Night Routine
I’ve got the perfect morning routine almost down pat, but my nighttime routine still has some work to do.
There are elements of my nights that I love, but there are also things that I know need to be added or nixed.
So, let’s start with what I’ve got going for me:
+ skincare — when I was younger and first started having to take care of my skin I was awful at it. In college, there were countless nights when I would go to bed without washing my face, even when I had a full face of makeup on. I cringe thinking about it now. But now I’ve gotten to the point of adulthood where I wash my face before going to be. And there’s nothing better than a freshly washed and moisturized face.
+ sleepy time tea — I took a break from caffeine and instead drank a lot of herbal tea. One of my favorites was sleepy time tea and while I don’t have it every night it is nice to have a mug of something hot to sip on when you get into bed.
+ about twice a week I read before bed — in my ideal world I would read every night before bed, but I’m not there yet. But I always love the times that I do.
+ gratitude — sounds cheesy but Michael and I share what we’re grateful for that day, and it sends you to bed feeling really warm and fuzzy inside.
Things that I like but probably aren’t the best for winding down:
+ Michael and I love watching an episode (or a few) on Netflix at the end of the day. Right now we’re on the last season on The Office as well as the new season of The Crown. I know it’s not good to stare at a laptop before going to bed, but it’s this fun little thing we both enjoy to wind down from the day
What I need to stop:
+ staying off social media — I’ve gotten a lot better over the years but I used to have to scroll through Instagram until I got through all the new posts. Ridiculous I know. But overall I’d like to cut down on technology before bed.
What I would like to add:
+ mediation — I go through phases of meditating regularly, but I would love to start consistently doing it at night. And not leave it to the last thing or I will definitely fall asleep during.
+ journaling — while I’m all about morning pages, I would love to add regular journaling at night as a way to reflect on and document my day. I love looking back on old journals, and I think night time would be a great spot to start doing it consistently.
+ pajamas — ok, last and probably weirdest, but in the past year or two I’ve really wanted to get a dedicated pair of pj’s that I only wear to bed instead of stuff I also work out in. Something about getting into the mindset of sleep is what keeps pulling me towards getting a pair of pajamas.
What are your favorite parts of your night time routine, and what would you change?