My older sister is currently pregnant with what will be the first baby born in my family since my youngest brother was born…21 years ago.
Let’s just say I’m very, very excited for that little munchkin to arrive.
And at the same time I’ve had so many thoughts and questions popping into my head about pregnancy and birth. So, naturally I’ve turned to books. Honestly, people probably think I’m the pregnant one!
One of my favorite baby related book I’ve read so far is “The Kind Mama” by Alice Silverstone. The whole time I was reading it I found myself just shaking my head “Yes, yes!”
It was incredible how right everything she was saying felt to me.
She takes you through using a vegan diet to boost your fertility, nourish your pregnancy and heal you after birth. I found this book because I was researching books about having a vegan pregnancy because obviously that is something I want to do, but I want to do it correctly.
She also talks about breastfeeding and kind parenting, keeping toxic chemicals and other not so good for you things away from you and your family.
Not to mention nourishing, delicious looking recipes to support you through the entire process.
I loved how open and honest she was about everything. And on top of that how positive and loving she was. While many women are very excited to be pregnant they seem to have a very rough go at pregnancy, labor and birth.
Reading through this book sparked so many internal questions I had about when that time comes for me. I’ve known I want to do it a certain “way”, but actually seeing the potential for what that could be was amazing.
Things like having a vegan pregnancy, natural home birth, breastfeeding, healing after birth and raising happy, healthy kiddos free of dangerous ingredients and chemicals.
I’m definitely romanticizing motherhood, but to be honest it’s something I can’t wait for. Especially now that my sister has started her journey.
And when the time comes The Kind Mama will be one of the books I pick up to reread.