Why I Have $100,000 On My Wall
Last week I wrote a post about lessons I had learned from the book “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” which I devoured and thoroughly enjoyed.
One of the glaring realizations was that I had this subconscious belief that I only deserved to make the bare minimum needed to survive.
But what happens when your goals change, what you want changes? What if a house and a family doesn’t seem so distant?
The answer: you’re going to need more money.
I realized that I thought making more money than I “needed” was greedy. That I should only want what I need and nothing more.
Why set big goals if you have enough now?
Well, I realized it wasn’t about being ungrateful for what I already have. It’s about growing, as a person, as a business, and it’s OK if you desires and goals change.
It doesn’t take much money for me to support myself at this point in life. I’m pretty proud of that fact, but I also discovered that the idea of making “a lot” of money freaked me out, gave me these weird, cringey feelings that I didn’t like.
In the book she talks about clients who had the goals of making six figures, seven figures, and each time I found myself a bit bug eyed thinking, “That’s sooo much money!”
When I thought about what it would be like to make six figures I found myself really uncomfortable with the idea of that much money.
I’m a far way off from that income goal, but how could I ever expect myself to seek out more money if I wasn’t even comfortable with the idea of making more money.
Essentially, I was repelling money and opportunities that led to more money because I didn’t think I needed it nor deserved it. I was uncomfortable with it.
So, I’ve started doing a few things to change my attitude towards making more money.
One, slightly absurd, thing I’ve done is put “$100,000” on the bottom of my felt letter board that sits on my desk.
And when I first put it up there I would hide it behind candles, embarrassed that it was even there. But slowly, as I sit down and look at it every day I’m becoming more and more comfortable with it. Slowly but surely it doesn’t seem so absurd, it doesn’t seem so greedy, it doesn’t seem so impossible.
I’ve also started putting up little positive money affirmations on sticky notes above my desk.
I’m slowly chipping away at my preconceived notions about income and self-worth.
I want things in life, and I want them sooner rather than later. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Having goals doesn’t make me greedy. I’m not harming anyone to get there.
I love learning about personal finance and money mindsets. Money will probably always be taboo, but it doesn’t mean I can’t change my own attitude towards the matter.
What are some of the big money lessons you’ve learned so far in life?