The Red Moon Cycle
Most never consider the connection between the female cycle and the lunar cycle.
Recently, I've been fascinated with the connection.
I've read that women in ancient times [when cultures were a little more clued in on the connection between humans and the world around them] would bleed with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.
At one point I close to syncing up to the women of the past, but just in the this year my cycle has shortened by a mere two days, enough to cause it to switch to the opposite cycle [bleeding with the full moon and ovulating with the new moon].
This is called a "Red Moon Cycle" and according to the wonderful Miranda Gray, women who have this cycle have been drawn away from "the energies of procreation and the material world and towards inner development and its expression."
That line right there sparked my interest.
It turns out there have always been women who have followed this Red Moon Cycle. Men viewed them as powerful and uncontrollable. They were deemed evil, seductresses.
I took a step back and started reflecting on my recent cycles, and what I've been feeling deep down inside.
Creative, productive, and inspired, that's what's been swirling around inside of me. In the past few months, the more I've concentrated on my career, building my brand and all of the beautiful magic, the less "baby fever" I've gotten [procreation]. And oddly enough I've become hyper conscious of my consumption and production of waste [the material world].
I still consider myself a "caring", "nurturing" human, but I have noticed some changes. I still feel that urge to help, as I imagine all human beings do, but my patience has been slipping and I find myself thinking, "Come on, get it together people, I can't keep doing this."
Because I can't.
This may seem insensitive, but my focus has been on me and building my future.
And guess what? I've been loving it. I wake up each morning inspired, invigorated, and ready to start in on that day. I go to bed thinking, "Gee, I can't wait for it to be morning again." This is a vast improvement from the days when I would wake up thinking, "Gee, I can't wait to go to bed tonight."
This isn't selfish. This is good for me, and in turn great for everyone around me. It's what feels right, so I've decided to go with it, stick with my gut. And boy, oh boy, have I been in love with everything I've been creating lately.